9 Things Acupuncture Can Treat
1. Pain Relief
Acupuncture can help to normalize nerve impulses by stimulating the central nervous system, and can help to relieve pain by releasing endorphins.
2. Musculoskeletal Disorders
Acupuncture releases tension in muscles. Lymphatic, nervous and circulatory systems are affected by acupuncture, making it effective to treat torn muscles, pain after trauma, sports injuries and more. Sport figures use acupuncture to improve training and performance and speed up healing and manage pain.

3. Allergies
Chinese herbs can help relieve common allergies by lowering the excessive immune response of the body. Acupuncture and Chinese herbs can help with allergies by helping the body react normally to the substances that are causing the problems.
4. Stress
Relaxation can be the best way to prevent serious health problems such as heart disease, cancer, stroke and respiratory problems. Acupuncture helps to balance the body and give it energy and relaxation at the same time.
Acupuncture innately aids in the production white blood cells. It increases Alpha, Beta, and Gamma globulins, which can help white blood cells to more efficiently fight against infection and to produce more immune antibodies.
Acupuncture can strengthen the body’s immune systems and allow it to naturally resist outside pathogens more efficiently.
5. Immune System Support
Using acupuncture for drug and alcohol detoxification is getting more and more attention these days. Acupuncture can help those struggling with addiction to cope with the stress of recovery, the cravings, and the insomnia associated with letting go of old habits. Many clinics throughout the world are using acupuncture as a means of detoxification of drugs and alcohol. Acupuncture is also very useful for helping those who have nicotine addictions to overcome their habit.
6. Drug Recovery
Poor sleep is often the cause of Fibromyalgia. Acupuncture can help to treat insomnia relieve these problems.
7. Fibromyalgia
Diseases of this nature happen when there is a serious disorder in the body. Regular acupuncture can help the body stay balanced during the onslaught of daily life. Acupuncture treatments are varied depending on the nature of your illness and the constitution of your body. Acupuncture may not be able to cure some of the more serious illnesses, but it can help to treat many of the symptoms associate with serious illness, making the management of some of these conditions much more amicable.
8. Auto Immune diseases and Disorders
The typical symptoms associated with menopause include night sweating, hot flashes, insomnia, mood swings, and heart palpitations. Acupuncture can help to clear excess heat in your body and at the same time aid in the mitigation of hormone balance; bring you into your golden years with much more grace. Women's health is one area where Chinese Medicine shines. Research shows that it can help with infertility as well as health challenges surrounding menstruation. The emotional and physical discomfort associated with your monthly cycle can be put back into balance through regular acupuncture sessions.